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Magic Lantern: free summer children's program from the A. Kasteev Museum

The A. Kasteev State Museum of Art hosts a traditional summer program for children "Magic Lantern", the correspondent of Art of Her reports.

This year, the A. Kasteev Museum of Art has prepared a rich summer program for young art lovers in honor of the announced Year of children in Kazakhstan.

Free thematic excursions to the A. Kasteev Museum of Art in Russian and Kazakh languages will be organized 3 times a week for 3 months for children. A series of paid master classes will introduce children to felt making, painting, modeling, weaving, and free interactive games in the halls of the museum will entice young viewers to explore the exhibits presented. Every Tuesday, children will be engaged in watching cartoons in the Kazakh language.

In addition, within the framework of the "Magic Lantern" program, a children's planer takes place 1 time a month in the picturesque area of the museum.

"Children take part in the planer absolutely free of charge. We accept everyone. Someone knows how to draw, someone does not. But this is not the main thing here, the main thing is communication with nature. Nature itself teaches children to draw, naturally," said Gulnar Zhuvaniyazova, head of museum pedagogy and project activities.

После 3 пленэра будут отобраны работы детей для выставки в музее искусств им. А. Кастеева, а лучшие награждены грамотами.

The children's program "Magic Lantern" is a good opportunity to introduce children to art. It is important that most of the planned events are absolutely free, art becomes available to all children!

The schedule of the "Magic Lantern" program for July-August:

Rus Biketov

Главный редактор Art of Her

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