
Schoolgirl from Mangistau painted more than 300 paintings

Merey Meirambaeva, a 10th grade student at school from village called Ushtagan, Mangistau district, independently studied visual arts and has already painted more than 300 paintings, Kazinform MIA reports. Merey’s interest


A young artist draws people on the metropolitan bus

In Nur-Sultan, a young artist draws residents and guests of the capital on the bus, reports CTS spokeswoman Uchat Azanbayeva told about the artist on Facebook. It is only known that the girl is


Paintings of Kazakhstan prisoners put up for NFT auction

Paintings of Kazakhstan prisoners put up for NFT auction. The price of one painting starts from 180.000 KZT, the correspondent of reports. As reported in the Committee of the Penal Enforcement System (CPES)

Exhibitions News Articles

The exhibition of Bakhyt Bubikanova opened in Almaty

A personal exhibition of Bakhyt Bubikanova, one of the brightest figures among the representatives of the younger generation of Kazakhstani artists, will be held in Almaty from December 4, 2021 to January 31, 2022, the correspondent reports