Музеи и галереи Астаны

Концептуализм и образовательная миссия: что нужно знать о галерее современного искусства TSE ART Destination

10 февраля 2018 года — дата рождения одной из самых концептуальных и рок-н-рольных галерей в столице — TSE ART DESTINATION. 

TSE Art Destination — это современное арт-пространство, уютно расположенное в историческом центре Астаны, по проспекту Республики, рядом с центром Жастар. Это культурное пространство, где зритель, художники, профессионалы из разных областей взаимодействуют и создают новый опыт, где у каждого есть возможность узнать современное искусство через выставки, перформансы, а также образовательно-информационные программы. За современным и бунтарским духом галереи стоит команда молодых кураторов. 


Dina Baitasova is the founder of the gallery. Art historian and curator, graduated from the Faculty of Contemporary Art at the Sorbonne University and the Faculty of Interior Design at the Marangoni Institute.

Baurzhan Sagiyev is an art director. Fashion designer, graduated from Saint Martins College, worked at Alexander McQueen and Channel.

Anvar Musrepov is a curator and artist. He graduated from the Art Academy in Vienna with a degree in media and art.

Madina Sergazina is a curator. Graduated from the Sorbonne University with a degree in art history.

The European experience helps the team to organize successful exhibitions and implement bold projects.


The activity of TSE started with the exhibition of one of the most outstanding and famous Kazakhstani artists Almagul Menlibayeva “GREEN, YELLOW, RED AND GREEN AGAIN". According to the organizers of the exhibition, this immediately set a high bar, which has been maintained for 4 years of constant work. 

The gallery has held the Astana Art Show Festival for two years in a row. 

“What is the point – we invited the stars of contemporary world art and put them on the same platform with Kazakhstani artists and showed their equivalence, that we are basically on the same level with the global process. It was an organic dialogue, a connection,” — Baurzhan Sagiyev, Art Director of TSE ART DESTINATION.

TSE also actively cooperates with the UN in Kazakhstan. Every year on Nelson Mandela Memorial Day, which is dedicated to the humane treatment of prisoners, drawing workshops are held for prisoners and murals are made in the colonies. 

Last year there was a big project for the 75th anniversary of the UN. The TSE ART DESTINATION team made a 45-meter installation on Nurzhol Boulevard in front of Akorda, which was called “The Third Paradise". This installation was built all over the world in all the major capitals of the planet. The concept of the authorship of the famous Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto was first implemented in Kazakhstan. The "Third Paradise" is the third phase of humanity, realized in the form of a balanced connection between the artificial and the natural, and also reflects humanity's desire to achieve the goals of sustainable development. An important part of the concept of the "Third Paradise" is ecological thinking and criticism of anthropocentric consciousness, which also reflects the main ideas and activities of the UN. In Kazakhstan, the installation was made of yurt felt and beams. 

One of the most successful projects over the past year is the collaboration with the artist Adil Aubekerov. TSE ART DESTINATION was the first to bring the creator's works to Kazakhstan, and also organized an exhibition in Dubai, which was included in the top 5 UAE exhibitions recommended for visiting.


The TSE ART DESTINATION Gallery has three venues:

Основная — расположена по адресу Республика 33а. Посетители могут посмотреть концептуальное искусство молодых казахстанских художников. 

Площадка в LUXURY HOUSE — постоянная экспозиция около 100 работ современного казахстанского искусства за последние 20 лет. 

Пространство в отеле ST. REGIS ASTANA — персональная выставка Адиля Аубекерова. 


TSE ART DESTINATION проводит лекции, дискуссии, воркшопы, мастер-классы, посвященные популяризации современного искусства. Лекторы приглашаются из Европы и России, которые читают материал как для художников, так и для широких масс.  Также здесь проходят музыкальные, хореографические и арт-перфомансы. Как в музее Виктории и Альберта галерея проводила йога-сессию. 

“Without an educational program, without education, without this, it will be difficult for people to understand modern art. Modern art is quite conceptual, even if it is aesthetically beautiful, there may be a story behind it that needs to be heard. Of course, our educational program goes first. A very important aspect of our activity”, — Baurzhan Sagiyev, Art Director of TSE ART DESTINATION.


In January 2020, together with the Soros Kazakhstan Foundation, an art library was officially opened at TSE ART DESTINATION. The library's collection includes more than 200 books on contemporary art, art history, children's educational literature and design. Purchases of books took place directly from such publishers as Garage, Strelka, Tashen. 

Thanks to the library, the gallery turns from a simple exhibition space into a mini art center, where you can sit, read and study literature, you can also order coffee and spend the whole day in this place with benefit.

How to become a patron of the gallery?

Галерея ведет полностью бесплатную деятельность, но при этом нуждается в финансировании и разрабатывает программу патронажа. Организации и частные лица могут помочь TSE ART DESTINATION и дальше продолжать проводить выставки, устраивать культурные мероприятия и проводить образовательные лекции. В ответ они  могут получить спектр бенефитов, за их вклад в развитие галереи и современного казахстанского искусства в целом. 

“We are trying to find our way. Before the pandemic, we changed exhibitions every month. We didn't just change the exhibitions, we changed the surroundings, repainted the color, built the walls anew. We had such exhibitions where there was artificial snow and hay on the floor. We try not just to surprise or hype, but to present art in the most appropriate way. Each exhibition has its own approach and presentation. We are constantly changing, it is difficult to compare ourselves with some kind of gallery” - Baurzhan Sagiyev — Art Director of the TSE ART DESTINATION gallery

АДРЕС — Республика 33а

ГРАФИК РАБОТЫ — со вторника по субботу с 11.00 до 18.00


КОНТАКТЫ ГАЛЕРЕИ — +7 (7172) 49-71-61 (Перед посещением необходимо обязательно позвонить)

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