European form and Asian images: where in Astana you can see the works of Kazakh artist Yerbolat Tolepbay

Pygmalion Gallery has been working for almost three years for connoisseurs of the works of great masters, classics of the XV-XX centuries and modernists. This is the first place in Central Asia where perfect creations, masterpieces of classical Western European fine art from private collections, auctions and narrow-profile famous European galleries have been collected for more than a quarter of a century. The founder of the exhibition space is the collector Danagul Tolepbay.

The mission of the art gallery is to allow art lovers to touch the work of the great masters of painting and graphics, without going to Europe for this. 

The love of art has always distinguished refined and purposeful people. Such people have a subtle ability to feel harmony and feel the need to be not just a casual witness of the beautiful, but to become a part of this story..

Gallery Pygmalion

Over the years, the Pygmalion Gallery has become a place of inspiration, discovery and communication for the most passionate connoisseurs of masterpieces of world painting: from art historians to painters, from collectors to investors who understand that art is eternal.

Значительный раздел коллекции галереи представляет искусство западной Европы. Печатная графика выдающихся мастеров отражает широкую амплитуду творческих поисков художников разных поколений — от классических канонов эпохи Возрождения до авангардных тенденций нового времени. Точкой отсчета эволюции художественного мышления на примере коллекции становится творчество Альбрехта Дюрера, который соединил открытия итальянского и северного Ренессанса и довел технику гравюры до совершенства. 

Рубеж 19-20 вв. обозначил рождение новой эпохи, отличной от всех предшествовавшей этому моменту искусства. Один из основателей кубизма — Пикассо; Матисс, без которого нельзя представить рождение фовизма; Шагал- чей стиль нельзя перепутать с кем-либо; Дали-великий мистификатор и провокатор, эксцентричный и увлеченный исследователь человеческого подсознания.  Эти и другие имена, представленные в коллекции Pygmalion стали отправными точками, поворотными пунктами в истории искусства, что и делает данную выставку столь интересной, столь увлекательной для ценителей искусства.

Экспозиция Pygmalion представлена живописными полотнами и скульптурами многих авторов с мировыми именами, но настоящим сердцем Галереи является коллекция Лауреата Государственной премии и  Заслуженного деятеля искусств Республики Казахстан, Кавалера ордена искусств и литературы Франции, Ерболата Толепбая, работы которого есть не только в Государственных Музеях Казахстана и России, но и в частных коллекциях истинных ценителей со всего мира.

Yerbolat Tolepbai graduated from the Art and Graphic Faculty of the Abai University in 1977. Since 1974, he has been a regular participant of republican, All-Union, and international exhibitions.

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In his works, the artist combines the European and Asian manner of performance with the preservation of the national Kazakh flavor, the works of Yerbolat Tolepbai are not just distinguished by the brightness and depth of colors — they give an idea of different stages of the history and spiritual development of the Kazakh people. He began his creative career with a respectful attitude to the realities of life and natural forms. However, he gave them a special sharpness of expression. The artist aspired to create large-scale canvases reflecting the spirit of the time. The images were the result of deep thoughts about a person, a country, and the world. Every detail of the composition carried a special semantic load. Objects of art and events of past times, introduced into the space of compositions, contributed to the deepening of the meanings of the present. 

Tolepbai felt like an heir to world culture. And that's why he had the audacity to create a kind of diptych-dialogue within the canvas “The Artist's Youth” (1983), in which he compared his portrait with a girl on her knees and a confident replica of the great Rembrandt's self-portrait with Saskia..

Gallery Pygmalion

During his long career, Yerbolat Tolepbay has participated in exhibitions in 35 countries, including France, Italy, Germany, India, China, Egypt, the Philippines and many other countries. Today the artist's works are in Moscow in the Tretyakov Gallery, major museums of the Russian Federation, the State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A.Kasteev, regional museums of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Directorate of art exhibitions of the Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan, private collections of Kazakhstan, CIS, Europe, America and Asia. 

Each new work became an illustration of time, history, epoch. That is why the value of the artist's works is presented not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a historical point of view.

Geography really does not limit us – we are open to residents of any countries from East to West, because art and love for it have no borders..

Gallery Pygmalion

В настоящий момент работы Ерболата Толепбая могут увидеть жители и гости столицы в галерее искусств Pygmalion по адресу город Астана, улица  Достык 16.

Working hours: Mon-Sun — from 10.00 to 22.00, admission is free

контакты — +7 701 300 01 10

Material prepared by Zarina Kusanova

Сабира Оспанова

Экс-автор Art of Her

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