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Climate activists glued to Boccioni painting

Green activists from all over the world continue their campaign to draw attention to climate problems with the help of popular works of art, Art News reports.

Last week, activists of the Italian climate change organization Ultima Generazione (The Last Generation) glued themselves to Botticelli's Primavera (1480), located at the Gallerie degli Uffizi in Florence in Florence. Then, on July 30, the activists set their sights on another work: "Unique Forms of Continuity in Space" (1913) by Umberto Boccioni, which is stored in the Unique Forms of Continuity in Space in Milan.

"We will not allow ourselves to be arrested lightly, we must immediately understand that there will be no art on the collapsing planet. If we really want to preserve it, we must act now and abandon investments in fossil fuels. There will be no art if we can't afford to eat, if we die from the heat. That's why we ask cultural institutions to stand on our side and put pressure on the government," activist Simone, who gave only her first name, said in a statement.

The requirements of Ultima Generazione are similar to those of Just Stop Oil, which attracted international attention with a series of high-profile actions in which activists were glued to the frames of famous paintings.

Активисты обеих групп призывают правительства прекратить выдачу новых разрешений на добычу нефти и газа. Ultima Generazione специально призвала правительство увеличить солнечную и ветровую энергию на 20 гигаватт к концу года и помочь работникам, работающим на ископаемом топливе, найти новую работу в расширяющемся секторе устойчивой энергетики.

Ultima Generazione stated that its members tried not to damage the sculpture. They claim that they consulted with the restorers about the glue, which will not cause long-term damage, and that they took care to stick not to the sculpture itself, but to its base.

Rus Biketov

Главный редактор Art of Her

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