On March 4, 2022, at 16:00, the A. Kasteev State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan will host the opening of a personal exhibition of the famous Kazakh artist, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ahmet Akhat "Beyond the Known. The Unknown about the known"
The exhibition presents more than 60 graphic works created in the period from the 1970s to the present. Along with graphics, the exhibition includes ceramic works by the author. Ahmet Akhat equally successfully works in various graphic techniques, such as lithography, engraving, etching, monoprint. The main themes of the artist are the history of the Ancient East, myths and legends of the Uighur people, the life and fate of his contemporaries. The past and the present in his works are comprehended through the prism of deep philosophical reflection on the inseparable connection of times, the meaning and purpose of man's earthly destiny.
This exhibition introduces the viewer to the little-known graphic works of Ahmet Akhat, providing a unique opportunity, stepping beyond the boundaries of knowledge, to look into the "hidden" corners of his unique creative individuality, to distinguish in the seemingly familiar phenomena of the surrounding reality the previously invisible facets of the beautiful and infinite world.
The exhibition will last until April 4, 2022.
Куратор выставки — Амир Джадайбаев, Кандидат искусствоведения.
Admission fee:: adult — 500 kzt, student/pension — 300 kzt, school-kids — 200 Kzt.
Monday and the last day of each month are days off.
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