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The House of Creativity Peredelkino accepts applications for participation in residences

The Peredelkino House of Creativity has opened the reception of applications for participation in residences. As part of the program, writers, translators and artists will work on their own projects, reports Culture.RF.

The organizers will provide participants with housing, meals and work space. You can apply for the contest on the official website of the House of Creativity.

In 2022, Peredelkino will open several types of residences. Participants of individual residencies will independently work on literary works, translations, critical texts and other projects.

The House of Creativity will also hold meetings of residents with experts. Applications for participation in the residency will be considered by the working group: Marina Galina, writer, editor of the department of criticism and journalism of the magazine "New World"; Igor Gulin, poet, critic; Marina Kudimova, poet, writer, head of the public organization "Town of writers Peredelkino"; Egor Mikhailov, literary critic, editor of "Afisha Daily"; Aglaya Nabatnikova, director, writer; Farid Nagim, playwright, lecturer at the Literary Institute.

Read more about the residency program at the Peredelkino House of Creativity on the official website

Сабира Оспанова

Экс-автор Art of Her

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