
В Германии откроется групповая выставка о народах Казахстана «KUZEU: DISPLACED IDENTITY»

Выставка пройдет с 28 октября по 12 ноября во Фрайбурге, в художественном пространстве Delphi Space. В экспозиции будут представлены работы Сауле Сулейменовой, Алмагуль Менлибаевой, Шамиля


Askhat Akhmedyarov’ hopes: personal exhibition "YMIT"

Askhat Akhmedyarov's personal exhibition opened in Almaty. The artist translates hope with irony to reality, the correspondent of Art of Her reports. The exhibition "YMIT" (from Kazakh – "hope") is a tribute to the era of change that Kazakhstan is going through now (the era of hope for change).


The new truth of Saule Suleimenova: exhibition of cellophane painting "Biz karapayim halykpyz"

The famous artist Saule Suleimenova opens the "new truth" in her personal exhibition "Biz karapayym halykpyz", the correspondent of Art of Her reports. In her new solo exhibition


В Нур-Султане открылась выставка корейской живописи

В Национальном музее Республики Казахстан открылась выставка мастера корейской чернильной живописи Пак Дэ Сонга «THE ETERNAL», организованная Корейским культурным центром при посольстве Республики Корея, передаёт


«Только тссс…» — выставка «Ол Қыз» в Нур-Султане

В Нур-Султане открылась выставка казахстанских художниц посвященная актуальным женским вопросам, которые принято обсуждать «шепотом», передаёт корреспондент Art of Her. 9 художниц размышляют о гендерных стереотипах,


В Нур-Султане пройдёт выставка посвященная женским вопросам

Выставка казахстанских художниц «Ол Қыз» открывается 17 июня в 18:00 в галерее «Platforma projectroom», передаёт Art of Her. Художницы размышляют о гендерных стереотипах, сексизме, телесности,


"WHOMYN" Contemporary art exhibition

The Central Exhibition Hall of the A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts hosts "WHOMYN" exhibition of contemporary Kazakhstani art. The Art of Her team looked at the reflections of young artists and tried to answer the question "Who are we?".


The exhibition of paintings draws the viewer immediately into lyrics and songs

The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan has opened a personal exhibition «Asyl Mura» by Kazakh artist Mukhtar Baibosyn, dedicated to the personalities who have set the basis of Kazakh culture of the XIX-XX centuries, reports


Asiya Fatkulina's debut solo exhibition "Return"

The artist and concurrently chef Asiya Fatkulina returns to her origins – art education and tries herself in painting, the correspondent of Art of Her reports.


Permutation of meaning: opening of the exhibition "Inversion of Color" at Esentai Gallery

In the Esentai Gallery has opened a new exhibition "Inversion of Color" with the participation of 9 artists, the correspondent of Art of Her reports. The theory of color in painting is a fairly broad concept.