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Acceptance of applications for participation in the UMAI National Award has started

Minister of Culture and Sports Dauren Abayev at a meeting with residents of the Ulytau region announced the start of accepting applications for participation in the UMAI National Award, Art of Her reports with reference to the CCS.

The size of the prize fund is 54 million tenge, a total of 19 nominations in 4 directions are provided.

«Земля Улытау имеет особое сакральное значение для казахского народа. Это священная колыбель казахского народа, свидетель многих исторически значимых событий нашей многовековой истории. Отрадно, что Улытау становится центром важных для нашей страны событий и свершений. Поэтому, находясь именно здесь, хочу сообщить о старте Национальной премии UMAI», — рассказал Даурен Абаев.

The prize is awarded to creative collectives and individual performers of Kazakhstan in the following categories: theatrical art; musical and performing art; choreographic art; fine and decorative arts.

Thus, in the direction of "Theatrical Art", the winners of the "Opera Art" award will receive 2 million tenge each.

The prize is awarded to creative collectives and individual performers of Kazakhstan in the following categories: theatrical art; musical and performing art; choreographic art; fine and decorative arts.

Thus, in the direction of "Theatrical Art", the winners of the "Opera Art" award — "The best performance of the male part in the opera" and "The best performance of the female part in the opera" will receive 2 million tenge each. "Acting skills" — 2 awards of 2 million tenge tenge — "Best male role" and "Best female role". Also, the winner in the nomination "Best Direction" and "Best artistic design of the play" will receive 2 million tenge. At the same time, in the nomination "The best musical and dramatic performance", the winner will receive 10 million tenge.

The next direction is "Musical and performing arts" — 3 cash prizes of 2 million tenge - "The best traditional performer" (singing), "The best traditional performer" (instrumentalist), "The best musical ensemble" (classical / folk).

The third direction — "Choreographic art" — 5 cash prizes. "The best dance group", "The best performer in ballet" (2 awards) and "The Best choreographer" will receive 2 million tenge each, and "The Best ballet performance" — 10 million tenge.

The fourth direction is "Fine and decorative arts". The winners will be awarded in the following categories: "The best work of decorative and applied art", "The best work of a painter / graphic artist", "The best project in contemporary art".

Within the framework of the Award, a special prize is established "For the best children's performance". The prize will be 2 million tenge.

An Expert Commission consisting of 12 people, 3 independent experts in each of the four nominations, is formed to conduct a competitive selection and determine the winners of the Award. Applications will be accepted until December 9, 2022.

Rus Biketov

Главный редактор Art of Her

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