Categories: Exhibitions

Dilshat Aripov's first solo exhibition "Colors that he took under his heart"

We continue to discover the names of new artists of Kazakhstan. The editor of Art of Her attended the opening of Dilshat Aripov's first solo exhibition in the Central Exhibition Hall of the A. Kasteev State Museum of Fine Arts.

"Colors that I took under my heart" is 50 paintings and graphics about East Turkestan. In his work, the artist draws attention to the cultural heritage of the Uighur people.

"The general concept is to convey the flavor of Uighur culture. Modern youth does not do much of this, it is the work in national painting. I want to support my people with my creativity," Dilshat Aripov said.

For the artist, the fate of his native people is not indifferent. He reacts to all the processes taking place in the world that affect the well-being of the Uighurs. In 2020 Dilshat Aripov creates a series of paintings "The Genocide of the Uighurs in China" and participates in the US international competition, where he gets 1st place.

"I want every viewer to get into each of my work, feel the color, the mood of color. I felt myself in the native lands of East Turkestan," the artist shared.

Dilshat Aripov masterfully conveys the national flavor, which is reflected in clothes, musical instruments, in the entire artistic appearance of the characters of his works.

It should be noted that this is the first solo exhibition of the young artist.

"I don't have any excitement. I am pleased to realize that people will come who, perhaps, will be able to feel my paintings as well as I do," Dilshat Aripov said.

Dilshat Aripov was born in 2001, at the age of 11 he entered the A. Kasteev School of Fine Arts and Technical Design. In 2017, he entered KAZGAS at the Faculty of Design. In 2021, he became a member of the Union of Young Artists of Kazakhstan, and in 2022 Dilshat was accepted into the community of Uighur artists at the Duniya Art Gallery of Contemporary Art.

The artist's works are in private collections in Kazakhstan, Great Britain, Canada, USA, Germany and other countries.

Dilshat Aripov's exhibition "Colors that I took under my heart" will last until August 19, 2022.

Address: Almaty, ul. Zheltoksan, 137 (Central Exhibition Hall of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteev).

Working hours: 10-00 — 18-00. Day off: Monday.

Rus Biketov

Главный редактор Art of Her

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