Categories: Exhibitions

Opening of the first personal exhibition of Sergey Pozharsky "Journey along the Silk Road"

The opening of the first solo exhibition of the famous artist Sergei Pozharsky took place at the Almaty Gallery, the correspondent of Art of Her reports.

Sergey Pozharsky is known for his historical painting: as a research artist, he studies and creates on his canvases the peculiarities of everyday life of historical epochs, portraits of famous folk personalities and ordinary people.

Pozharsky's works are exhibited in many regional and city museums of Kazakhstan, but a full-fledged solo exhibition has happened only now.

"I had no time, I'm constantly on business trips. I did these works in my spare time in the workshop. So I rest. There was no special task to organize a personal exhibition. I just painted because it's my need," said Sergey Pozharsky.

The artist spent a lot of time studying archaeological finds in the excavations of Taraz and other regions of Kazakhstan in order to understand and synthesize elements and features of Medieval architecture. He is interested in all the details of the past: clothes, everyday life, utensils, weapons, artifacts.

Sergey Pozharsky in his works does not emphasize the spectacular picturesqueness of the texture in the objects. He is interested in a reliable reflection of the medieval situation in all objects. The artist's paintings are an accurate ethnographic study of the national traditions and way of life of the Kazakhs.

In total, about 60 works are presented at the exhibition, most of which are made in the forms of a diptych and a triptych.

"I draw large panoramas, 10-20 meters each. If I had bigger walls in my studio, I would have added more," the artist shares.

Sergey Pozharsky so competently builds multi-figure plot compositions that any fragment can be taken separately and it will be an independent finished picture.

"All the works are unique. They are all made in the historical genre — this is one of the most difficult genres in painting. He approaches each work as a researcher, as a historian. For each work, we can learn about the culture and life of that time," Nargiz Abayevna, director of Almaty Gallery, said.

Sergey Pozharsky was born in 1956 in the city of Kostanay, studied at the Almaty Art School named after N.V. Gogol at the art and design department. From 1978 to 2019, he worked as a painter. During this time, he painted a large number of panoramas, dioramas in Memorial, Local history, Ethnographic museums of Kazakhstan. For the last 10 years, the artist has been engaged in his favorite work, depicting everything that has become close during long business trips to all regions of Kazakhstan.

Curator: Gulnar Zhuvaniyazova.

The exhibition runs from July 28, 2022 to August 21, 2022.

Working hours: Tue-Sun 11.00 — 19.00.

Admission is free.

Rus Biketov

Главный редактор Art of Her

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