
Как прошла новая закрытая встреча Onermen Kezdesu

Last week the traditional "Onermen Kezdesu" meeting was held in a closed chamber format, in which Arina Shkelikhina, branding and packaging expert, held a master class on "Self-presentation and working with the customer.

At the meeting with Arina, young professionals in the creative industries found answers to frequently asked questions: "What to do with impostor syndrome?" and "How to be calm about the question 'why is it so expensive?'". In addition, attendees learned how to intelligently present themselves and their projects using the secret schemes of marketers.

"The guys are very responsive. In the beginning, they sat there and were a little afraid - that's a completely normal reaction. And then how they started unpacking and talking about themselves. It's cool when you see a person who was just sitting there scared, come out at the self-presentation with a happy face: I did it! These burning eyes are very inspiring," said Arina Shkelikhina.

A total of 10 people took part in the closed Onermen Kezdesu meeting, including novice and professional artists, graphic designers, gallery owners, video editors and others. All participants acquired not only important theoretical knowledge, but also practiced self-presentation, competent communication with the customer and the formation of their own pricing policy.

"I haven't digested all the information yet, but I took a lot of notes and will need to analyze and structure them. The meeting was useful, at the end I have already managed to exchange a few contacts. And yes, my knees began to shake less, I began to feel more relaxed and confident during self-presentation", - shared her impressions Taya, teacher of photography and video editing.

The new format of Onermen Kezdesu closed-door meetings is a spot training for young professionals in the creative industries together with leading experts from Kazakhstan. The distinguishing feature of the closed meetings from the traditional open meetings is the chamber format, which allows more detailed interaction with each participant in the educational process.

The next closed meetings of Onermen Kezdesu will be announced on our website and on Art of Her social media.

Rus Biketov

Главный редактор Art of Her

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