Categories: Exhibitions

The Art of Finding Yourself: the first exhibition of art therapy by Mia Kryzhanovskaya

From August 10 to 12, the first personal mini-exhibition of the artist Mia Kryzhanovskaya took place within the framework of the international fashion exhibition Central Asia Fashion, or more precisely in the ART gallery CAF section, the correspondent of Art of Her reports.

The exhibition "The Intellectual Code of Art" consists of 10 paintings by a professional practicing psychologist and artist. Mia Kryzhanovskaya took up "ART therapy" 10 years ago. She was interested in how the human psyche is directly related to what he draws, sculpts, creates and how can a person's condition be corrected through ART? As a result, the idea of creating paintings as a psychological test appeared.

In the works of Mia Kryzhanovskaya, there is a process of art therapy in which the viewer sees what is in his unconscious world. Interestingly, modern scientists and art historians are confident in the healing properties of such a practice. The symbiosis of psychology and painting opens up new facets for the study of art and self.

It is known that it was in the XXI century that the pictorial art began to be increasingly associated with the human psyche. So the artist's works became an extra-vocal mirror of the master's inner world. To look into them means to open the veil of the unconscious, to see its experiences, feelings and the play of imagination. However, there is a downside to art. This is what the viewer sees or can "read" in the paintings directly. Looking at the same picture, each viewer sees what is in his unconscious world. And this is much more interesting than seeing the meaning of the author. Modern scientists, psychologists and art historians are sure that it is through ART that the viewer can "gently touch" his inner experiences.

"The peculiarity of the exhibition is that each picture is accompanied by a small instruction "with psychological keys", following which you can learn more about yourself. In fact, the exhibition of paintings is a real psychological test, the main purpose of which is to look inside yourself and understand your unconscious beginning," Mia Kryzhanovskaya said.

Сотрудничество Международной выставки моды Central Asia Fashion с художниками, фотографами, архитекторами, дизайнерами, мастерами декоративно-прикладного искусства — стало регулярной практикой для организаторов мероприятия. Вначале это были небольшие pop up экспозиции живописных работ казахстанских художников: Нурлана Абишева, Салтанат Ташимовой и фотопроект общественного деятеля, инфлюенсера и блогера, Асель Зои — Cultural Atlaz. Сейчас небольшие экспозиции переросли в полноценный регулярный проект под названием «ART Gallery CAF», где модные марки в выставочном павильоне органично соседствуют с классическим и современным искусством. В своей идеологии выставка CAF активно пропагандирует инициативу: не человек приходит к искусству, а искусство — к человеку. Его главная цель – поддержка молодых художников Казахстана и Центральной Азии, а еще — сделать современное искусство доступным и понятным, продвигая его в более широкие массы.

Rus Biketov

Главный редактор Art of Her

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