Categories: Exhibitions

The Voice of Time by Kamil Mullashev: a new solo exhibition of the artist

The famous artist Kamil Mullashev presented his new solo exhibition "The Voice of Time" at the A. Kasteev Museum of Art, the correspondent of Art of Her reports.

The art of Kamil Mullashev is known and recognized not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad, the artist has many admirers of his work. He is a talented painter, a deep master with his own subtle understanding of the world, looking for an artist whose works are multifaceted and diverse.

The solo exhibition "The Voice of Time" is a new narrative by Kamil Mullashev on modern topical topics: the COVID–19 pandemic, information glut, the struggle for life, etc. In addition, the exhibition includes not only new, but already well-known works of the artist that are loved by the audience.

Как истинный большой мастер, идеи и образы произведений Муллашева всегда были связаны с художественными процессами своего времени, будь это работы прежних лет или представленные на данной выставке.  Одно из  важнейших свойств творчества художника, сохранившееся и по сей день – умение чувствовать и понимать время.

"My time begins with the 20th century, and now it's the 21st century. The differences are huge. It was impossible to imagine the current civilization that humanity has reached in the 20th century. This is an innovation that has changed the approach to everything: economics, world order, psychology, life understanding. Therefore, I always care about time. Soviet time, independent time, modern time," Kamil Mullashev said.

Recent works differ from the usual style of the master. They feel the feelings and fears that Mullashev has been experiencing in the last 2 years. It was during this period that the world faced severe trials.

"Now I am under a lot of information pressure, all these terrible events that are happening in the world are reflected in my works. I want humanity to think," the artist shared.

In total, the exhibition presents about 65 works in different styles and techniques.

"He wanted to show his new work, and I even thought that there would be a whole exposition of only contemporary works. But on the other hand, the last time he exhibited at the Kasteev Museum was in 2001, and therefore he wanted to show his significant works," said the curator of the exhibition Kulzhazira Mukazhanova.

Kamil Mullashev is one of the largest modern masters who sets serious tasks in his works. The problems that the artist raises and develops require rich color, decorativeness, monumentality. Mullashev's style can vary from purely realistic to decorative abstract and non-objective forms, but in any work there is always a "mullashev" creative beginning.

Kamil Mullashev's solo exhibition "The Voice of Time" will last until October 7, 2022.

Address: mkr. Koktem–3, 22/1 (A. Kasteev State Museum of Art).

Entrance is paid: from 200 to 500 tenge.

Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00.

Kamil Valiakhmedovich Mullashev – родился 27 октября 1944 году в городе Урумчи (КНР).  Окончил Алматинское художественное училище им. Н.В. Гоголя (1967) и Московский государственный художественный институт им. В.И. Сурикова, мастерская народного художника СССР Т.Т. Салахова (1978). В 1996  получил звание «Қазақстаннын енбек сiнiрген кайреткерi»,  в 2003 –   «Народный художник Республики Татарстан». Лауреат Государственной премии Республики Татарстан им. Габдуллы Тукая. Лауреат Государственной премии Республики Казахстан,  почетный академик Российской Академии художеств, почетный профессор китайских вузов. Профессор Государственного университета искусств г. Астана. Имеет награды Республики Казахстан и зарубежных стран.

Rus Biketov

Главный редактор Art of Her

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