
Say goodbye to anxiety: Nastya Zharko's solo exhibition "S.O.S EXHIBITION"

An artist from Nursultan, Nastya Zharko, opened her first solo exhibition in Almaty, dedicating it to anxiety, the correspondent of Art of Her reports. The exhibition "S.O.S EXHIBITION" is a


Opening of the first personal exhibition of Sergey Pozharsky "Journey along the Silk Road"

The opening of the first solo exhibition of the famous artist Sergei Pozharsky took place at the Almaty Gallery, the correspondent of Art of Her reports. Sergey Pozharsky is known for his historical painting: as a research artist, he studies and creates on his


"Tajik modern art": an exhibition of young artists has opened in Dushanbe

On July 17, an exhibition of paintings by young artists opened in the 55 GYM AQUA sports complex, where more than 30 works of contemporary art were presented to guests and visitors. The event was


Symphony of the Life of the Italian artist Alessandro Sharaffa

Italian experimental artist Alessandro Sharaffa reveals hidden phenomena in his personal exhibition "Symphony" at the A. Kasteev Museum of Art, the correspondent of Art of Her reports.


Opening exhibition: personal exhibition of Igilik Kulbayev "Zhantak"

The posthumous solo exhibition of the artist Igilik Kulbayev has become a great discovery for Kazakh painting, the correspondent of Art of Her reports. Igilik Kulbayev (1946 – 2022) was a Kazakhstani artist


Askhat Akhmedyarov’ hopes: personal exhibition "YMIT"

Askhat Akhmedyarov's personal exhibition opened in Almaty. The artist translates hope with irony to reality, the correspondent of Art of Her reports. The exhibition "YMIT" (from Kazakh – "hope") is a tribute to the era of change that Kazakhstan is going through now (the era of hope for change).


The new truth of Saule Suleimenova: exhibition of cellophane painting "Biz karapayim halykpyz"

The famous artist Saule Suleimenova opens the "new truth" in her personal exhibition "Biz karapayym halykpyz", the correspondent of Art of Her reports. In her new solo exhibition


Как прошла финальная вечеринка художников и барменов

Редакция Art of Her на протяжении двух месяцев освещала четыре неповторимые арт-вечеринки организованные компанией «Арарат», художниками и барменами. Теперь, самое время подводить итоги вместе с


В Нур-Султане открылась выставка корейской живописи

В Национальном музее Республики Казахстан открылась выставка мастера корейской чернильной живописи Пак Дэ Сонга «THE ETERNAL», организованная Корейским культурным центром при посольстве Республики Корея, передаёт


Искусство объединяет: открытие выставки живописи и скульптуры «SCULPO»

В Esentai Gallery открылась групповая выставка объединяющая живопись и скульптуру – «SCULPO», передаёт корреспондент Art of Her. Выставка исследует процессы стирания границ между двумя медиумами мира