“Ular” art agency and gallery of modern art

The founder and head of the gallery is Yuri Eduardovich Markovich. The art agency was established in June 1993.

The beautiful name of the gallery is associated with one of the magical Kazakh fairy tales. In ancient times, legends were composed about the sacred bird “Ular”. Each feather of a fantastic creature had magical properties, preserved from evil spirits. Now this species is listed in the "Red Book". The celestial bird lives in the mountains of Alatau. Feathers were used to decorate women's hat to protect them from the evil eye and spell.

Gallery concept

The priority of the gallery is to support promising artists regardless of age and fame. The main selection criteria are creativity and unconventionality. In order to do that the gallery strives first of all to understand the artist, to help find the right direction, and not to let them lose faith in themselves and their abilities.

The “Ular” Gallery was the first one to offer to exhibit young artists, present private and corporate meetings, acting as experts and producers. Further activities will be aimed at uniting three forces: artist-gallery-collector.

Address: Panfilova str. 92

Working hours: from 12:00 to 17:00 on weekdays.

You can visit the gallery on the weekends by contacting organisers in advance by phone number +7 701 343-96-09

Сабира Оспанова

Экс-автор Art of Her

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