Первого марта в Aspan Gallery откроется персональная выставка Сергея Маслова «Ловец снов». Кураторы выставки: Елена и Виктор Воробьевы.
Sergey Maslov is one of the founders of modern art in Kazakhstan. He has worked in various media – painting, performance, installation, video and texts. Maslov was called – "mystical bloodsucker", "erotomaniac", "madman", "maniac". According to Elena Vorobyova, one could really believe it (he himself sometimes believed it) if one did not see intellectual layers, all-consuming irony and almost childlike simplicity in his works. He said that he knew how to distinguish art from life, and skillfully used these skills, creating a "playing field" around him. This field was his living space, his air.
For the organizers, the exhibition is an attempt to meet with Sergey Maslov, to summon him from the "heavenly spheres" to our not too cozy earth. Twenty years have passed since he died, he would have turned seventy if he were alive. How much more would he have thought up, made up during this time, how much laughter, how many insults and worries would there have been… But we have only what he left, and we have no right to think that this is not enough.
"Sergei caught his dreams and put them in trap paintings, but the catcher and the beast runs, I mean us his fans," Elena Vorobyova shared.
На выставке будут представлены инсталляции, картины, рисунки художника. Среди них «Байконур-2», «Моя Уитни», «Инструкции по выживанию для граждан бывшего СССР».
About the artist:
Sergey Maslov was born in 1952 in Samara, Russia. He lived and worked in Almaty, Kazakhstan. He has been awarded many personal exhibitions, including "Star Nomad", the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana (2017), "Maslov and K", the National Museum of Arts named after G. Aitiev, Bishkek (2004), Sergey Maslov. East is a Subtle Thing to Understand, Stuttgart Kunstverein, Stuttgart (2002), "Maslov next to Art, near Literature", A. Kasteev Museum of Art, Almaty (1998).
Его работы были представлены на престижных выставках: Павильон Центральной Азии на 51-й Венецианской биеннале (2005), Off the Silk Road: No Mad’s Land, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Берлин (2002) и re-orientation: Kunst zu Mittelasien, ACC Gallery, Веймар (2002).
Maslov's works are kept in the collections of the Abylkhan Kasteyev Museum of Art, Almaty, the East Kazakhstan Regional Museum of Fine Arts named after the Nevzorov Family, Semipalatinsk, M HKA, Antwerp, Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, New Brunswick.
The exhibition will be held from March 1 to May 10, 2022.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday from 11:00 to 19:00. Sunday from 12:00 to 18:00
Address: Villa Boutiques & Restaurants complex (Al-Farabi, 140a/3), minus the 1st floor. Admission is free.
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