For the first time, an art exhibition "We Are The World" will be held in Astana, supporting young artists from almost all over the world, Art of Her reports.
This year, children and young people from all over Kazakhstan will be able to take part in the exhibition. "We Are The World" is an international project (exhibition and competition) for young and young artists, which is being implemented in 40 countries, such as: France (Louvre), UAE, USA, Monaco, China, Kazakhstan, etc.
Exhibitions of children's drawings are the beginning of a large educational project under the auspices of the International Association of Cultural Diplomacy "We Are The World Events", which aims to support young talents in the countries of the world.
"Today's children are the leaders of tomorrow! Therefore, our task is to help children from different countries unite, and the language of art is clear to everyone," said Stephanie Gaspard, president of the International Association of Cultural Diplomacy.
Young artists between the ages of 5 and 25 are invited to participate.
Requirements for the work of participants:
Age groups:
The works must be uploaded on the official website of the organizers (active link).
If you register before October 5, the works of the participants will get to two exhibitions: in Dubai (October) and in Astana (November).
The jury consists of: Italian artist Andrea Bakalini, Aigerim Bektayeva – artist, member of the Academy of Arts of Kazakhstan, founder of the Zere School of Art, Honored Artist Renat Yelubayev.
Exhibition calendar for 2022:
Контакты: официальный представитель в Казахстане Ардак Мухамадиева +7 702 677 77 56 (What’s App).
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