Мультипликатор Глеб Пономарёв «оживил» картину Талгата Тлеужанова «Абулхаир». Ролик с ожившими батырами быстро набрал популярность среди казахстанцев, сообщает «Хабар 24».
Это не первая работа Глеба Пономарёва в подобном формате. Под руководством мультипликатора оживали картины Абылхана Кастеева, Аубакира Исмаилова и других художников.
It took about 30 hours for Ponomarev to finish the work. To revive the picture, he had to divide each warrior and the painted landscape into layers using a special computer program. The motivation for such painstaking work was the desire to spiritually and culturally enlighten young people, the author admits. "This is history. Take the same legends, fairy tales. Why we don't integrate it into our modern society. If you saturate, let's say, even young people, tell them more about the past, even telling it is popular. Obviously, not by the old grandfather's methods – books. Books, unfortunately, are not read by young people now, as before," said Gleb Ponomarev.
Gleb gets inspired in museums. To arouse interest in national history and culture, it is necessary to present the material creatively, the animator assures.
"I accidentally saw this picture on the Internet. At that time, I didn't know neither the name of the author nor the name of the painting. Then I found out who painted the picture. I immediately realised that I wanted to see the picture alive. Because now we have clip thinking. It's hard for us to perceive a large text, it's hard for us to perceive a static expression. I want to see the dynamics," Ponomarev added.
He plans to supplement the project "Revived Paintings" with canvases exclusively by Kazakhstani artists.
The video can be viewed at the link
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