The State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named by Abylkhan Kasteev

Currently, The State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named by Abylkhan Kasteev is the largest art museum in the country. The museum is not only scientific research center but also cultural education center in the field of fine arts.

The rich, diverse, priceless collection gives a vivid idea of the artistic culture of Kazakhstan, European and Asian countries as well as masters of past eras, and the present. The museum fund owns more than 25 000 units of exhibits.

The museum has several research centers: fine arts of Kazakhstan, decorative and applied arts of Kazakhstan, classical foreign art, foreign art of modern times, funds, restoration, exhibitions and expositions, management and external relations, scientific expertise, excursion services, information and publishing work.

Today, the museum is becoming a center of attraction for new cultural initiatives. The wide and diverse connections of the Museum of Art allow along with the permanent exhibition to regularly organize personal exhibitions by masters of Kazakhstan as well as artists from abroad, exhibitions of private collections that arouse great interest among lovers of fine art (more than 60 exhibitions yearly).

One of the main tasks of the museum is to promote and popularize museum values, attract an increasingly wide range of viewers. Even greater extent is to meet the needs of the population in familiarising themselves with particularly popular events of world artistic life.

The main type of works are: actively attracting various age and social groups of visitors, conducting thematic and sightseeing excursion to present the high artistic level of the museum's collection; to lecture by using rich illustrative material with designed cycle of 4-5 months.

In addition to research work, the A. Kasteev SMA (State Museum of Arts) of RoK conducts restoration and educational activities along with annually organised international and republican scientific conferences, seminars, and round tables. The research scientists of the museum give presentations not only at national but also at international conferences.

Fundamental research is becoming the basis of monographic and other publications.

The problems of studying fine and decorative arts are regularly highlighted in the press as well as on television.

The future task is to raise the importance of the museum further as the national museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an important research center for the study of challenges of fine and decorative arts.

Адрес: г. Алматы, ​микрорайон Коктем-3, 22/1

Admission fee:: adult — 500 kzt, student/pension — 300 kzt, school-kids — 200 Kzt.

Monday and the last day of each month are days off.

Сабира Оспанова

Экс-автор Art of Her

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