Category: YouTube
The system is a bit outdated. Soviet shades remained: Diana Akual about education and illustration
Diana Akual is a student of the Zhurgenov Academy of Arts, an aspiring illustrator in the field of book publishing.
I never thought that it was possible to become an artist: Aruzhan Zhumabek about her first steps in art
Aruzhan Zhumabek is a young artist from Taraz. Graduated from ENU with a degree in graphic design. She has been living in Almaty for the last two years. She has been actively participating in residencies and exhibitions since 2018.
I love being told something is impossible: Rosa Beksultanova about her art career path
Rosa Beksultanova is an aspiring artist and art therapist. She has a degree in Costume Design. Her first exhibition took place in Almaty Gallery, in 2022
Artist Irina Dmitrovskaya: I think it's not necessary to always follow the rules
Irina Dmitrovskaya was born and works in Almaty. She has been working with the medium of photography since 2009. In 2010, she graduated from KIMEP with a Bachelor's degree in International Journalism.
Illustrations, NFT and Freedom: Vasilisa Volna in the first exclusive interview
Vasilisa Volna is a young aspiring illustrator whose work has already been celebrated at the Los Angeles production center and signed a contract to promote NFT.
In Kazakhstan, everything is very difficult with art management: discussions about art with Maria Peskova
Maria Peskova is a graduate of the British Higher School of Art and Design. Being a young artist, she believes that the path of an artist is exploratory. In her projects, the artist explores the topic of appropriation and the role of human existence in the post —Soviet space.
Any crisis is progress: Dina Tolegen on how to become the best among the best
Dina Tolegen - is an aspiring artist, fashion designer, illustrator. Dina's works adorn many institutions of the city of Almaty. As a designer, he works with the Vostok App team.
Modern women dress not for men, but for themselves: fashion designer Adilya Botabayeva reflects on fashion
Adilya Botabayeva is a young fashion designer, a finalist of the New Generation Open Way 2020 young designers competition, is developing her own clothing brand "YANG LAIN".
"What is art in photography?" — photographer Maria Popova exclusively for Art of Her
In this issue of Art of Her, photographer Maria Popova shares her story of formation, reflects on the independence of choice and art in photography.
This is my world: artist Sheker Shakir told about the main thing in the art world
Sheker Shakir was born on April 18, 1996, in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Sheker graduated from the Almaty College by Oral Tansykbayev with a degree in “easel painting”. Then she entered the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai for art and drawing. This allowed her to try different techniques, but as a result, the artist returned to painting.